Friday 8 February 2013

Now Read E-Book In Indian Local Language

Now you can read E-Book and Magazines on your Android tablet and mobile phone directly online or offline. After the technological evolution reading and writing has been changed a lot. Today's almost everything regarding reading and writing has been done through E-Books and other computer related things no one is using pen and paper for reading and writing.

In Delhi India E-books are now making in consider in the world book fair. The organizers have made a separate section for E-Books. Every information is available on computer and Smartphone using the internet just through single click. Before the early stage of E-book the books are only available in English but now this E-Book sector is available in all the local languages.

Smartphone, iPhone and Android phones have many applications in their app store that can be used to read E-Books on your mobile or tablet. The Rockstand company which provides E-Books and E-magazines for Tablet PC and Smartphone has recently published its first edition of E-Books in local languages. Therefore now Smartphone users can read any E-book in their local language. Now we can able to read the E-Books of different publishers in our local language and the demand of E-Books get increased because of this. Now books publisher is making a profit not only in printed books but also on E-Books which are get downloaded     by Smartphone users through various apps.

Now E-Books will get available in 18 different languages of India like Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and many others. To get E-Books in your local language Android users have to download an app through a Google Play store. The app is available free of cost. Once you download any E-Book through app then the E-Book will be yours for a lifetime you can read the book offline also. Not only this if you get bored by reading the book the app has feature using which app will read out the E-Book for you. The E-Books are available at starting price of only 1.00 Rs/- per book.

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