Sunday 27 January 2013

Windows 8 a New Way of Operating System

The days are now over with old style Desktop PCs as the Microsoft launches its new operating system Windows 8. Up to Windows 7 all the operating system that is launched by Microsoft has almost same only the same features and the technology has changed  by Microsoft. But Microsoft launched Windows 8 everything  including PC has been changed.

When someone says computer we imagine a big desktop computer in our mind with CPU, mouse , keyboard and so many wires. After launching Windows 8 this all things are changed and windows PC is becoming smaller, thinner and much faster than before. You can now carry just the screen of your computer as a Tablet PC with you.

Windows 8 is a touch screen operating system and you can use this operating system by using just a keyboard and mouse. Windows 8 has changed everything from its start menu.

Take a look on windows  8 new features:

Its Start menu:

The Windows 8 start screen is directly connected to Apps, Folders, people and website this is a live screen on which you will get the latest updates. This start menu is very interesting and make you feel like you are connected to all the parts of the computer.

Touch Screen:

The Windows 8 is designed so that you can operate the system only using Keyboard and Mouse. You can use this operating system using touch screen just like you are operating your touch screen mobile. 

Many Apps:

This is the first operating system that has a separate App store you will get the apps like news, photo apps etc. As per your requirement. You have to just download those apps on your PC

Songs on demand:

You can download millions of songs from XBox music app which is already available in the windows 8. In this app songs from all over the world are available. 

Your PC everywhere:

You can use your data from any Windows 8 computer you just need to sign in to your Windows Microsoft account and you will get all your settings on that computer. 

Old Desktop:

Your old style desktop with taskbar, menubar that you used to be still in this new version with new features and better than before. 


Security is getting better than before with new Firewall and Windows Defender. Your data will be safe from virus and and other corrupt files.

The Windows 8 is the future technology that Microsoft had launched for us this operating system has many interesting features that will help you in your business and day to day life. 

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